Why Your Marriage Needs A Faith-Vision

Every marriage must know where they are going and how they will get there. This is called having a vision or purpose. Many others call it "knowing your why." As the new year begins, now is the perfect time to sit down and create a Marriage Faith-Vision. Read more...

Monty & Jeannine Mora

1/2/20243 min read

man and woman holding hands facing sea
man and woman holding hands facing sea

What is The "Why" of Your Marriage?

Every marriage needs a sense of meaning! The "Why" of your marriage is the motivation that drives what you do as a couple. It is an essential factor that gives purpose to your life, family, and marriage. Your "Why" gives you momentum. Usually when a couple finds themself in a "marital rut" or feeling "stuck", it's because they have no momentum that pushes them forward. They lack a sense of purpose, meaning, and conviction. If couple desires to get "unstuck", they will need to dive into a deeper layer of communication and explore other avenues to give their relationship meaning and purpose.

Everyone desires to feel like their life matters, and marriage creates a special platform for this to be lived out. Couples who have meaning in their marriage, share a common identity and sense of purpose, and a partner with whom they can impact the world, thus leaving behind a powerful legacy. Once a couple taps into their shared meaning, they will be unstoppable!

A New Year - A New View

As we write this blog, we are in week one of 2024. Now is the perfect time to recalibrate and repurpose your marriage as you navigate the next 363 days or so. We believe this topic has the power to chart the course for your marriage and set it on a healthy trajectory. So grab your spouse, sit down, and let's begin.

It was year six and seven in our marriage where we were introduced to an important tool for our marriage toolbox…and that is how to create a Marriage Faith-Vision. It was around the time when we were going through a difficult season in our marriage and walking through some healing. We were stuck! As we embarked on a 13-week marriage course, the instructors taught us the importance of writing out a faith-vision and how to live it out in a marriage context. We were taught this key marriage principle. Here it is: Your perception of marriage will determine your pursuit in marriage. As a couple, you need to have a clear direction of where your marriage is headed. You need a vision.

What is Vision?

Let’s start by giving a simple definition of vision: “Vision is having a clear understanding from God of who you are and where you are headed in life.” Here's another definition to ponder: “Vision is a God-inspired move in a clear direction.”

There is a bible verse tucked away in Proverbs 29:18, which says, “Where there is no vision, the people will perish.” The same can be said for your marriage. If you do not have a vision, a plan and a goal for your marriage, there's a greater chance for your marriage to wander aimlessly. Consider this verse found in Habakkuk 2:2-3, “The Lord said to me, “Write down the vision; write it clearly on clay tablets so whoever reads it can run to tell others.” Not only are we to have a vision for our marriage but we need to write it down, and display it somewhere as a constant reminder.

Now let's “marry” the two words “faith" and "vision." Now, FAITH is not based on sight, nor on imagination. Faith is cultivated by hearing and acting on God’s word. Romans 10:17 - “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” So, if we put it all together in a sentence, here's how it sounds - "A marriage faith-vision is based on what God has promised to do in you and through you as a husband and wife." So as you look at your marriage this new year, we want you to see your marriage through God’s eyes and move in faith towards that vision.

Here are three key essentials to consider in writing out a faith-vision for your marriage.

1. The Faith-vision must be rooted in God’s word

2. The Faith-vision must be written down 3. The Faith-vision must be pursued

Here are a few other ideas as you and your spouse began to write out your faith-vision. Some faith-visions can be specific bible verses or statements that you value in your marriage like love, respect, serving, healthy living, self-care, forgiving, boundaries, and dating. You can also write your marriage faith-vision in the form of a sentence and add your specific verses to it at the end. For example: “We will live a life as God intends, fully supporting each other, jointly raising our children, and staying focused on the prize of our marriage, not letting small setbacks or people affect what God has deemed good, right. Ephesians 5:25-33”

Typically, New Year goals usually involve a focus on yourself, your career, or fitness - there’s one part of your life you don’t want to neglect - and that is your marriage. What's your marriage "why?"

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