Date nights are a fantastic way to ensure you and your spouse are connecting and enjoying the marriage journey. We encourage every couple to take the Date Night Challenge. Read more...

Monty & Jeannine Mora

9/1/20233 min read

2 women sitting on blue leather chair holding white and red plastic cups
2 women sitting on blue leather chair holding white and red plastic cups


September is the time of the year where kids are getting back to school and there’s some sense of routine again in the home. Usually when the kids are home for the Summer, everything else takes the back seat including those date nights and spending quality time together. So now is the perfect time to start thinking about date nights with you and your spouse.

What's the big deal about dating my spouse?

Date nights are a fantastic way to make sure you and your spouse are connecting positively and enjoying each other's company on a regular basis. It doesn't have to be expensive or elaborate. According to a new report from the Wheatley Institute (2022), which surveyed U.S. 2,000 married couples about their dating frequency and found that over half (52%) reported “never” or rarely go out on dates, While only 48% reported regular date nights (at least once or twice a month). The report indicates that husbands and wives who make time for a regular date night are linked to a happier and more stable marriage. Not only is there Marital Stability but the study goes on to say that regular date nights can rekindle romantic spark for sexual intimacy. Regular date nights boost commitment in the marriage and fosters a sense of excitement and unity.

Couples need to be creative with their dating.

You need to mix it up a little bit. Whether it be a nice dinner or just going for ice cream, date nights are important because they help you reconnect with each other. You want to stimulate the senses and get those endorphins engaged - emotional, mental, and physical. There are several types of dates but we’d like to suggest the following few.

1. Go on "Fun Dates" - This date creates an opportunity for you to go out, have fun, and laugh together. Laughter restores a sense of connection between two people who enjoy each other’s company, and helps keep your relationship fresh. It might be going to a sporting event, comedy show, or having a movie or game night at home. The focus here is just having fun together - laughing together and enjoying each other’s presence. Just the other night, we took a drive to Denver and went to a concert to hear one of our favorite artists. We laughed, sang, and enjoyed each other's company.

2. Go on "Romantic Dates" - This date creates space for you and your spouse to heighten the intimacy connection. This date is when a couple truly lives in the moment and is present with your spouse during that alone time. Perhaps, you dress up, put on that special cologne/perfume and just romance each other. One of our favorite romantic dates was in Knoxsville during a Valentines day weekend. We enjoyed a romantic dinner and attended a broadway show. Just a quick question that couples might be asking. Do all romantic date nights need to end with some form of sexual expression? Is that the goal? Yes, No, Maybe… I would say, be open to anything!!!

3. Go on "Communication Dates" - This date is about making each other a priority and having meaningful talk. Three rules - 1. Don’t talk about kids. 2. Don’t talk about work. 3. Talk only about each other. During this date is where you ask meaningful questions to each other - What is it I do that makes you feel loved? What can I do to make you feel secure and safe? What’s a healthy marriage goal we can focus on this next 3 or 6 months? This date is especially important for a couple who is wanting to enhance their communication in marriage.

Before we wrap things up this topic of dating, we want to remind every married couple of one verse in Genesis 2:18 - “Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” God doesn’t want you to be alone in your marriage. He’s called you to build oneness in your relationship. We want to encourage every couple to take the date night challenge! Pick one of these three dating ideas (Fun, Romantic, Communication) and go on a date within the next 30 days! We are asking for your ideas also, if you have some creative ideas of how you and your spouse date, please share with us at #thefavoritemarriagepodcast

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